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Managing your Workspace settings

General settings

How to update the name and logo of your Workspace

Admins and Workspace owners can change the name of your Workspace at any point. In the web app, head to People & Settings in the sidebar, choose the Settings tab at the top, and type a new name in the Workspace section. Click Save when you are done.

To change your Workspace’s logo, click on the avatar and select Upload image…. Choose an image and click Upload. If you want to remove the logo, click on Remove current image.

Delete your Workspace

In the web app, head to People & Settings in the sidebar, choose the Settings tab from the top of the screen, and click Delete Workspace…. This action can’t be undone so we’ll ask you to confirm before deleting your Workspace.

An image showing the delete workspace button

Managing Workspace members

How to add empty Editor seats

If you have a set annual budget or have freelancers joining and leaving your team often, it might be useful to have empty Editor seats in your Workspace that you can assign as people come and go. Editor Seats give you more control and predictability with your billing, even if the number of Editors in your Workspace changes.

To add an Editor seat, head to the People & Settings screen in the web app. Click on the People tab at the top, then click on Add Seats…. Choose the number of seats you want to add and click Pay and Add Seats when you are ready. We’ll add the new seats instantly to your Workspace and charge you pro rata until the end of your billing cycle.

How to Schedule Editor Seat Changes

You can schedule to add or remove Editor seats at the start of your next billing cycle. Head to the Billing tab at the top of People & Settings screen. In the Plan Overview section, select Schedule Seat Changes….

Choose the number of seats you would like to have at the start of your next billing cycle. You’ll be able to see how this affects your next billing cycle and whether it will affect any member on your team. When you’re ready, select Schedule Editor Seat Changes to confirm.

Any scheduled changes you make to your Editor seats will override the current number of seats you have at the end of the current billing cycle. This will include any seats you add during that same billing cycle. If you want to cancel a scheduled Editor seat change, select the Cancel scheduled change? link that appears in the Next Billing Date section.

How to edit Workspace member access

If you want to upgrade a member in your Workspace from Viewer to Editor, head to People & Settings, and make sure you’re in the People tab. Click next to their name, and choose Change to Editor… Alternatively, to change someone’s role from Editor to Viewer, click Change to Viewer…. If this change has any impact on your subscription cost, we’ll let you know before completing the action.

Note: If you upgrade a Workspace member’s role to Editor but don’t have empty Editor seats, we’ll add the seat and charge you on a pro rata basis up until your next billing cycle. If you downgrade an Editor to a Viewer, this will open up an empty Editor seat. This seat will remain open unless you remove it.

You can also turn Guests into Viewers or Editors by clicking and selecting Change to Member (Viewer/Editor)…

How to remove Workspace members

To remove Workspace members head to the People & Settings section in the web app and make sure you’re in the People tab. Click next to the name of the member you want to remove from your Workspace and click Remove from Workspace…. When you remove someone from your Workspace, all of their documents will remain in your Workspace.

How to manage Admin settings

  • If you want to make a Workspace member an Admin, head to the People tab in the People & Settings page of the web app, and click next to their name. Select Make Admin.
  • If you want to remove an Admin, click next to their name in the People & Settings tab and choose Remove as Admin.

Note: If you cannot see a People & Settings option in the left sidebar in the web app, it likely means you are not an Admin in your Workspace. Instead, you’ll see a People option only.

Last updated on 08 Sep 2021

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