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Grouping layers

By grouping multiple layers together, you can do things like move and resize them all at the same time, toggle their visibility together, or adjust their properties like opacity and blend mode blending.

How to create a group of layers

To create a group, select two or more layers on your Canvas and press G. You can also choose Arrange > Group Group.

How to ungroup layers

Select the group you’d like to ungroup and press G. You can also choose Arrange > Ungroup Ungroup.

Selecting a layer in a group

Groups of layers Group are treated as one when you select them. To select an individual layer in a group, double-click on the group, then click on the layer you want to select. You can also hold down while hovering over the group and click on the layer within the group you want to select.

To disable this across your whole document and automatically select a layer within a group without double-clicking first, check the ‌Enable click-through for new groups checkbox under the layers tab in the Mac app’s Settings.

You can also enable this for individual groups by selecting a group checking the Select group’s content on click option in the Inspector.

For groups that have multiple layers nested, you can double-click once on the group and then quickly follow up with single clicks to dive deeper and select the layer you want.

If you have a layer or a group already selected but want to keep adding more layers to your selection, you can and click to add extra elements to it.

If you want to select a layer within a group while maintaining your original selection, hold and double-click on the layer you want to select in the group.

When you delete a layer within a group, we’ll select the layer that comes after it in the hierarchy. This way, any new layer you add will be inside that group.

In this example, check how we select the third thumbnail in the group after deleting the layer before it

Last updated on 06 Jun 2023

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